Friday, January 14, 2011

a new year

Yes I know,
Although 2011 has been entered,and many people have their own targeted,
but I'm not lagging behind too..
For this brand new year,I have stepped out my first step..
As I said previously,I was going to get myself a DSLR, and now I was done it.

The graduation still far away from now since the education system was "reset",I mean the system is being influenced by the outsider colleges and universities,executing what what freaking summer holidays plan.
Indeed,the program has been launched.

Turn to be optimistic, the extended date for graduation does allow me to get more money for my future vacation.I bought a book entitled " 273 days New Zealand working trip"
Read through this book for several pages, it thought you from the simple procedure guiding you to apply visa, the places, experience, opportunity of works and so on..
Well,It did instill the courage for me to going on..
I'm in planning but doesn't mean firmly ON!!!
Internship I can only earn RM500 per month.
After deducting the room rental,the petrol to work..
I left not much..

Last week when I went to Langkawi, I saw backpack..
I was thinking that should I get it?50L 60 L or more?
Well,I should really make some research and survey before purchase it since I m 0 experience in sort of things.
Chinese New Year is around the corner.
Wishing to see my buddies and fella friends ...